Wednesday, March 9, 2011

T-Mobile Girl is FREEZING

So T-Mobile has this new ad campaign that has a couple of problems here, in the Chicago area. First, a month or so ago they put up a big side-of-building billboard with a picture of the T-Mobile girl on it (see the girl in pink to the left). She doesn't have that exact dress on, but a pink spaghetti strap polka dot. All one can think about when glancing at this poor girl is how COLD it is outside and how COLD she must be (until you realize that you're thinking about a billboard picture).

A girl in a springy pink dress is not a good promo during the snowiest February on record EVER in Chicago. What can I say? Every morning on my way to work, I pass by this girl and think about how poorly dressed she is for the weather. And to make things even worse for T-Mobile, I keep thinking she's the Verizon girl!

Secondly, it's just such a rip off of the Mac vs. IBM ads... that's the other thing you think about when you're fast forwarding through the commercials. You start off by thinking that T-Mobile is ripping off Mac's campaign and end up remembering that Verizon ripped off the campaign.

Now, maybe that's what T-Mobile was after all along... a subtle way to undercut the competition. But, if not, they are not doing themselves any favors posting this freezing unremarkable girl on an icy Chicago brick wall in the middle of February. It just goes to show you how T-Mobile doesn't fit in the Windy City. If it did, she'd be wearing a big down coat with a Bears' logo on it and her hair would be very windblown!

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