Sunday, March 24, 2013

Please ATT - STOP!!!

If I were inclined to switch my cable company, and if the new company allowed you to DVR 25 shows at a time, showed free first run movies and charged only $15 per month, I would find it difficult to even consider a company who would subject the public to what HAS to be the most annoying champagne since Timmy yelled, "Extra! Extra!" for Long Chevrolet (old-timey Chicago reference).

I can practically smell these stinkers coming. And these commercials show just how horrible stage parents can be in forcing their kids to snootily say, "Back in my day..."

Each horrendously crafted slot causes new convulsions of disgust from all of us gathered before the television and we can't hit that fast-forward button fast enough.

So, AT&T, please please STOP!!

"Excited for your first day?"

Ugh!! I'm such a sucker! I know that I am being completely manipulated here... but I can't resist this ad! It's not the stupid Subaru or the milquetoast dad - as a matter if fact, I think he's acting in an extremely unsafe manner!! What gets to me every time is this little girl's look of doubt + bravery. Oh my gosh, she's cute and what an actress!! I don't know who she is, but I'm waiting to see her movie debut! You go, girl.