Saturday, October 3, 2015

Hannah and Her Horse

In April of 2013 posted about the beautiful Hannah Davis and how flashing across the screen at the end of a commercial for Direct TV, she is so stunning one would want to hit the pause button just to look at her for a few more seconds.  Well... somebody out there must have heard me because here we are in 2015 and we have "Hannah and Her Horse..."

At YouTube, you can find a whole series of these commercials - Hannah Davis, our absolutely breathtaking beauty, and her loyal pet/friend,  a startling white horse.  Who cares what either of them are saying?  They are so visually appealing they are like Oreos for the eyes.

This woman looks as if a master sculptor carved her, painted her then blew the breath of life into her.  Her pale eyes seem back lit and have a tinge of humor and wisdom beyond her years.  Her skin is luminously tanned gently reflecting the sunlight.  It is ridiculous how stop-in-your-tracks gorgeous she is.  Then, languidly relaxing with this marvelous white horse (particularly in the scenes when she is riding him) one could imagine she has ridden him right out of a fantasy novel.

This is weird because I am a heterosexual woman. I know I know... everybody is a bit bisexual and, sure, in my younger days I might have been more adventurous in thought, but to be totally honest, this is not a bit sexual... and I don't even want to BE her or to LOOK LIKE her (well... twist my arm).  She is seriously like a piece of art that I just like to look at and think, "Gee, the artist (God) did an amazing job with that one!"

And, think about it... God IS an artist.  He crafted each and every one of us but instead of just being visual pieces of art or audio pieces (like music), he made us sort of inside AND outside pieces of art... I guess you could say we are performance pieces :-) so sometimes we don't look so pretty and in performance art you SHOULDN'T always look so pretty. But, sometimes it's just nice to have a relaxing piece of candy and THAT'S what THIS piece of art from God is!

So, kudos to God for giving us pretty people to look at and kudos to DirectTV (my balcony faces the wrong direction- sorry, I have to keep Comcast) for entertaining our eyes with such a treat.  No, we can't fast forward during THOSE commercials!!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Black Dads

Oh my gosh...  Television has decided to portray African American gentlemen as about the cutest, most lovable men ever!!!!  These two commercials epitomize the affable adorable character the black man has become in television comedy and commercials. This guy began with Bill Cosby then got a little dumber and rougher with Bernie Mac but I've gotta say, I LOVE THIS GUY!! These commercials show you what (I guess) white people want to believe is the black "every man."

The first commercial is entitled, "Move-In day," and is the mini story of a dad dropping his daughter at college. He is befuddled, grouchy, not so sure about all of this. The women flit around him like butterflies. My favorite moment is when he notices his daughter giving some guy the eye so he turns around to size him up suspiciously. Amidst all of his dad-angst he sees a sign saying, "Relax, we're in charge - BMO Harris," or something like that, and he visibly relaxes. 

You know this guy is doing okay, his daughter is carefree, loads of luggage, going to college, chatting on the cell phone, squealing and hugging her white roommate, so she is like any other middle class girl of any race. He is well groomed but not pompously well groomed, again just a regular guy like most of us.  His feet are on the ground and he's sensible. He has to think about down to earth things like finances while the women get wrapped up in dorm room decor and silly romances. Still they make him look adorably and foolishly protective. 

The second commercial entitled, "Cabin," depicts a slightly older dad. This time the more-adult children appear to be joining their parents for a visit in their country cabin. The kids arrive and during the welcoming conversation with Mom, Dad hears that the kids stopped by the house. Although they assure him that they've left the home in perfect condition, he mistrusts them, pulls out his phone then proceeds to walk through his automated system (from the rocker on the cabin porch) as we watch him repair various issues left undone by the careless and carefree adult children. 

This dad is the next phase in the life of the last dad. He is enjoying the fruits of his hard long labor. He owns a cabin and a nice house.  He can afford a security system and he needs it to protect all of these things he has worked so hard to provide for himself and his family. His family can be careless because, thanks to his long work days, careful budgeting, responsible behavior and realistic planning, he has done well for them.. Given them a home and yard in a good neighborhood, lessons, college, nice lives. They will never know the things he sacrificed. Now,however, it is time for him to live out his golden years doing the things he's dreamed of and he's not about to let an errant fire or a scruffy thief take any of that away from him! Thus, total control over the home from anywhere. We chuckle at his gruff insecurity and protectiveness but he is an absolutely adorable old dog.

Now, some people may find something to be offended at here...that perhaps these men are portrayed as dumb or stereotypical, overly cautious or even selfish, but they fare better than most white dads in household goods and food commercials.  The white dads don't seem to be particularly loving.  They come across as stupid while their stay-at-home wives are snarky know-it-alls who constantly show them up. They are unlovable losers with whom nobody could imagine sharing a life. Their African American counterparts, however, are portrayed as strong teddy bears who provide well and care deeply for their families.  Score one for the underdog.

Center of my Universe

 Holy moley, what a commercial. 90 minutes of romance in a 30 second package! And how in the world did they find a model that looks so incredibly beautiful yet embodies such a normal, down-to-earth, sort of lady-next-door essence. She could be any age, any occupation, maybe a mother, maybe not - but what she IS is soft, warm, smart, funny, and you know she smells good.  She cooks, people love her, she laughs easily, she's fun. She embodies all that is wonderful about YOUR woman and HE speaks all the words you feel. "yeah, what HE sad..."

You might see this couple (even though you never really see the guy) at a table across the room when you're out to eat or holding hands when you're wandering around on vacation. They're just a regular mature (but attractive) couple who are comfortably happy together and in love. 

He, however, is unbelievably eloquent as he looks upon her.  And she is astoundingly graceful and lovely. You wish you were them - you think you ARE them (only not as pretty) and suddenly this stupid piece of jewelry... This rock on a chain... Becomes a symbol of all the affection, respect, admiration - the unique and spiritual bond of love you have - that will be there for all of your earthly days and perhaps beyond. 

What a great piece of advertising!

(No, honey, don't buy me a diamond for Christmas.)

Watch below:

Friday, May 31, 2013

How Zesty Do You Want It?

How much do I need to say about this commercial?  The "Zesty Guy," resembling a cross between Hugh Jackman and Mel Gibson does more than just chop red peppers and make chicken, he redefines everyone's thoughts about the word "zesty."

After seeing his appearance on a Kelly Live show, I actually went to YouTube to find these commercials I had never seen. Fun to watch, these mini-movies manage to also give new ideas of how to use salad dressing in new and unusual ways. (Double entendre sort of intended.)

Check the Zest out HERE!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Mother's Day

The Publix "pinwheels" commercial is back again... just in time for Mother's Day!  Gee, this commercial STILL brings tears  to my eyes!!  What a beautifully done mini-movie.

Pinwheel Commercial

Watching this made me want to find other touching commercials, so I typed "touching commercials" into the youtube search bar.   I came up with some amazing commercials.  Unfortunately they were all Japanese so you won't see them in your prime time line up.  But they were amazing!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Direct TV

Their commercials are not in the lower 50% of all commercials... i especially like the scene when the "wife" taps on the huge aquarium only to have it bust open and wash her across the entire restaurant.

What raises these commercials above the bar, however, is the presence of Hannah Davis as the Direct TV genie. This girl is more than beautiful. She is unique.

At the end of the commercial, she's there holding the TV set and looking at the camera with those hypnotic and luminous eyes.

Ms Davis is only on screen for about a second and leaves one wanting just one more look at her! She is a painting that no artist imagined yet.

Of course, when the commercial is over, she is forgotten (until her lovely moment flashes across the screen again).

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Please ATT - STOP!!!

If I were inclined to switch my cable company, and if the new company allowed you to DVR 25 shows at a time, showed free first run movies and charged only $15 per month, I would find it difficult to even consider a company who would subject the public to what HAS to be the most annoying champagne since Timmy yelled, "Extra! Extra!" for Long Chevrolet (old-timey Chicago reference).

I can practically smell these stinkers coming. And these commercials show just how horrible stage parents can be in forcing their kids to snootily say, "Back in my day..."

Each horrendously crafted slot causes new convulsions of disgust from all of us gathered before the television and we can't hit that fast-forward button fast enough.

So, AT&T, please please STOP!!